News and views about utility submetering in North America
Read on to learn more about submetering technologies and best practices for energy management.
Financing offers include energy efficiency improvement loans, development loans, construction loans, and permanent loans.
Proper planning and design can mean the difference between a successful project that produces actionable data versus a poorly run project with cost overruns and quickly discarded information.
Mr. Harrington had it right; measurement is the key to improvement — and nowhere does that ring truer than managing a building's energy. But in the energy management arena, it's not just what you measure that is important.
The global smart building market continues its steady, unrelenting growth — and for good reason. Investing in properties to make them "green" provides a quick return on investment — lowering operating costs and increasing property value.
There are several strategies for reducing energy costs, but few are as compelling and fundamental as electrical submetering. We know the value intuitively, but how much could you save, really?
Results after just 6 months of electrical submetering are impressive, including a 17% reduction in building energy use and a 16% reduction in GHG emissions over the same period last year — or $18,500 in avoided costs.
H. James Harrington had it right, measurement is the key to improvement. But there is an important corollary to Harrington’s assertion — it’s not enough to measure.
According to the US Federal Energy Management Program, businesses without proactive energy management programs are spending 10 to 45 percent more on energy per year than they need.